Application of Scientific and Non-Scientific Research - ACADEMIA

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Wednesday 20 September 2017

Application of Scientific and Non-Scientific Research

Scientific research is a process of finding solutions to a problem in a logical, orderly and systematic fashion (Herman, 2016). Whereas according to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, non scientific research is the one which does not use scientific methods to collect information and form opinion.
According to Kowakzyk, scientific research is a logical stepped process used for investigating and acquiring or expanding understanding; whereas non-scientific research is acquiring knowledge and truths about the world using techniques that do not follow the scientific methods.
Generally, the term scientific research is one which undergoes systematic and logical ways to find the solution to a problem while non scientific research is simply the opposite i.e. do not follow systematic ways in solving problems like use of dreams.
The word science etymologically comes from Latin word of “scientific” which means knowledge. Science therefore, upper to the system of acquiring knowledge. It lies on objective, logical and systematic; on the other hand, non scientific is its opposite i.e. does not require and follow what science do even though they are both the methods of finding solutions to the phenomenon.
Scientific research and non scientific research now are like two different fields of the same application but in some ways they differ. The following are the some of factors showing distinction among these two fields.
According to Doksat (n.d), scientific research can be changed or replaced by new one; when a research found wrong or did not get a true solution, a researcher can replace it by conducting a new one to arrive to a clear and true solution where non-scientific research cannot be changed because it base on what people (researcher) belief and expect to take place true without reasoning. Scientific research can be repeated several times to prove the results are correct in all the cases of observation and experiments carried out. Non scientific research is just acquiring the truths of different phenomenon in the society.
In scientific research Data collection involves observation, experimentation, formulation and testing hypothesis while in non scientific research involves observation and presume relations among natural phenomenon. Non scientific research under this factor, it observes the data while taking them for granted (assuming them) to be true without proof. Example in non-scientific research when one claim (through a divine inspiration) he/she presume it with no and evidences to prove the information.
Non scientific research is dogmatic in nature; this means that non-scientific research is based on the set of beliefs that people are expected to accept without reasoning called dogma. Because non-scientific does not follow any systematic methods, it has the set of beliefs that people accept when come to prove the truths hence it is non scientific. On the other hand scientific research is based on logical, systematic and scientific. This means that it follow logical procedural accepted to arrive to a conclusion.
According to Doksat (n.d) scientific research is objective and produces objective information while non-scientific research is subjective information while nonscientific research is subjective one and normally produces subjective information. This can be elaborated as; scientific to be objective is simply due to the systematic methods and techniques which are explicit to researchers when undertaking some problems to be solved while non scientific research normally use intuition which base on what people see to be true in connection with the natural phenomenon.
Observation, data collection, experimentation, formulation and testing the hypothesis are main procedural and logical techniques in undertaking the activity, on the other hand, intuition as the main method, divide inspiration, personal experience and the means of dreams are the methods and crucial techniques used by people in non-scientific research to reach a conclusion of a certain problem, meaning that it mostly base on the personal thinking (experiences) presuming in association of natural phenomenon.
Scientific research helps to increase understanding and close knowledge gaps (B. J. Kirchchoffer) this means that when people conduct a research he/she tends to get a new knowledge which previously was not understood. In a whole research activity, there are many activities under the study which among them were not known to the usechov, so through this ore, can understand them and from there new knowledge being increased; distinctively from this, non scientific research is simply just for solution which does not involves much activities to understand the new phenomenon hence it continue to maintain one’s knowledge and three is a new knowledge gap(s).
Conclusively, the anthropological evidence, then suggests that there is a scientific and non-scientific THROUGHTS IN ALL SOCIETIES AND WITHIN ALL INDIVIDUALS (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English). From this argument therefore, both scientific and non scientific research are necessary in the society since they save at least the same task despite of their different ways of reaching the conclusion. Apart from that there are some procedures like experiences and logic are used in both fields. 

Dr. Boksat, M. K. (2004). The Differences between Scientific and non-scientific research. Retrieved from
Herman, G. (2016). Educational Research Methods: Apraisal Guide. Mwanza, Tanzania. Mahelo Book Center.
Kowalczyk, D. (n.d). Non Scientific and Scientific Research. Retrieved from
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Retrieved from

In a scientific research, logical reasoning (logic) is highly needed because in undertaking the activity researcher must apply the use of logic and critical thinking. According to Chegg, (2007), logical reasoning is the process of using rational systematic series of steps based on sound mathematical procedures and gives statements to arrive at a conclusion. Therefore it is the means to make more affective decisions about different cases. In any research logical reasoning in one or another way it is crucial because it has not application in research. The logical reasoning used in research normally is deductive or inductive one. These two use the so called argument(s) and this is a logical argument. It is made up of precise and conclusion.
Deductive and inductive logical reasoning are of high use in scientific research because they contribute much in conducting a research like thinking about the activity or generalization.
In research, deductive logical reasoning are of high use in scientific research because they contribute much in conducting a research like thinking about the activity or generalization.
In research, deductive reasoning is a thinking process in which one proceeds from general to specific statements using prescribed rules of logic (Herman, 2016). Deductive is an argument presented with the intention of being valid or sound (Bradley, and Dowden, 2011). From these, therefore deductive logical reasoning can be simply defined as the way of thinking and applying different phenomenon from general one to the specific as part so that to get a conclusion by the help of other process: on the other hand inductive reasoning in research defined by Herman (2016) as the thinking process that one proceeds from specific to general. Also it defined by Bradley and Dawden (2011) as the one which intended to be individually strong. They therefore it is the process of thinking where  a researcher starts from specific argument to general argument example;
Lubuva is a politician
Lubuva come from Mzumbe University
Therefore all students from Mzumbe University are politicians
In the process of generalization in research, inductive reasoning use a selective elements to sample. Whenever a generalization is produced on a sample, is said to be inductive generalization or empirical enumeration (Bradley & Dowden, 2011:416) this generalization may be statistical or non-statistical.
Distinctively, deductive reasoning in research generalization is acting vice versa to inductive whereby it uses the population to generalize.
Deductive use the general solution obtained from the population to make generalization not on the single event or findings.
Deductive reasoning is explores deductively valid reasoning, meaning that the conclusion under this follows certainity from the premises. Example of this is the mathematical proof; mean while inductive logic reasoning is less secure reasoning meaning that the conclusion follow from its premises with probability but not with certainty.
Generally, these two approaches are useful in any scientific research due to demands of researcher to conduct a clear research where should use the combination of two methods. Therefore in a scientific research the so called inductive-deductive method is nowadays applied by vast number of researchers because it used to accumulate the knowledge in both aspects of reasoning. 

Brian, G., Mohammad, P. & Jxoti, R. (n. d). Logical Reasoning. Retrieved from http://www.
Dowden, B. H. (2011). Logical Reasoning. USA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
Herman, G. (2016). Educational Research Methods: A Practical Guide. Mwanza: Mahelo Book Centre.

Skyrms, B. (2000). Choice and Chance: An Introduction to Inductive Logic. USA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.

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